The Retreat

The Retreat

She told me I looked pretty in yellow. I said she had beautiful blue eyes. I handed her a container of crackers and cheese from my purse. The light turned green. I rolled on.  The “retreat” I was rolling on to was a 50th birthday 

An Italian Year to Remember

An Italian Year to Remember

The plan was to move to Naples, Italy from the Berkshires, rent out the house and return to Massachusetts in three years. I only lasted one. I love archeology, history, art, pizza and gelato. Living in the backyard of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Baia and Paestum were 

Be Wary of the Power You Carry

Be Wary of the Power You Carry

I made a woman cry, and it wasn’t tears of joy. It was a new experience, one I don’t care to repeat. It was a jolt of lightning. Like a defibrillator, it zapped a dormant piece of my brain into attention and my heart into 

The Ant Who Loved Zelda: A Love Story from A-Z

The Ant Who Loved Zelda: A Love Story from A-Z

The Ant who loved Zelda  Was eager to win her heart,  So each day he brought her a flower It was a start. Each blossom held meaning Symbolizing: love, hope and dreaming, Along with hope Zelda might one day Open the door to see The 



I remember the shocking stillness of parents watching silently as their kids playedon the playground across from my dining room window. The scene defined tragic beauty, thefrolic and merriment of youth, blissfully ignorant of the sadness and worry consuming adults. It was May 24th, 2022, 

A Poem for Audrey Elaine

A Poem for Audrey Elaine

A beauty  Her wit could slay dragons Her charm could fill wagons When little she clung to the hip of her mother But as a young adult she chose instead – this, that and the other Except for the days when she couldn’t refrain She 

A Polished Life (Fiction)

A Polished Life (Fiction)

Our mother always liked to say, “Sarah and Maurine, only a true southern lady can wear red nail polish and not look like a tramp”.  My sister Maurine and I longed for the day when we would turn 18, the designated age our mother applied 

Maredret Monastery: Where Nuns Spin Gold

Maredret Monastery: Where Nuns Spin Gold

I’m not Catholic, but my love of Belgian beer often ushers my footsteps to monasteries and abbeys. As you likely know, many monks in Belgium make and peddle beer, but if you look in the shadows, you will discover the nuns at Maredret Monastery creating 

Schlosshotel Kronberg: Where Luxury and Love Coexist

Schlosshotel Kronberg: Where Luxury and Love Coexist

Sleeping under the slate roof of Schlosshotel Kronberg will leave those who appreciate history, design and luxury happy. It’s a castle, but staying within the art lined halls feels like overnighting at the wealthy aunt’s home you dreamt you’d had. The estate was completed in 

Verona: Where Streets are Paved Pink

Verona: Where Streets are Paved Pink

In Verona leave your rose colored glasses at home. This Italian city is steeped in romance and passion, even the pedestrian alleyways are paved in pink limestone. Scribbled hearts with names and poems are written on walls, telephone poles and public letter boxes. You can’t