Xocoatl-Feine Schokoladen: Where Exquisite Chocolate & Whimsy Reside

Sitting on a pedestrian street in the shadows of the Marktkirche cathedral is a pint-sized shop Mary Poppins and Willy Wonka would likely tip their hat, a chocolate emporium called, Xocoatl-Feine Schokoladen. Its presence doesn’t need to shout “look at me”, the intoxicating aroma of chocolate and berries lure the unsuspecting passerby.

Step inside and you’re reminded good things do come in small packages. Sage green walls, a glistening display case with a fanciful assortment of bite sized chocolate and two walls lined with local and imported chocolate bars stand in unison like dutiful soldiers ready to battle (and save) your cravings. If quality chocolate is what your heart and taste-buds desire, rest assured both will be rewarded.
Upon first encounter, Katrin Flietner feels like a familiar hug. Behind the owner’s tortoise rimmed glasses are sparkling blue eyes accompanied by an infectious smile. Her demeanor mimics the bonbons she peddles; sweet, comforting, delightful and practically perfect in every way. Ms. Flietner is a talented match maker, too! Like the chocolates she carefully selects, she understands customers are unique and diverse. She finds joy in pairing individual tastes with the perfect confectionery. Tell her your sweet tooth desires, and you will not leave wanting.
Ms. Flietner is clear that just as important as the quality of chocolate being purchased, is the environment in which it is consumed. Fine chocolate is meant to be nibbled, relished and savored in unhurried moments. Lucky for patrons of the shop, only 25 steps away from the entrance you’ll hear the faint sound of water trickling from the 18th century fountain, Bäckerbrunnen. The area is quiet and conducive to relishing indulgence one bite at a time.
Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. Willy Wonka would be pleased to know Xocoatl carries an elixir made with fresh Bavarian cream and Swiss chocolate, but I’d say the true elixir is the heartbeat inside Xocoatl-Feine Schokoladen, Ms. Flietner. It’s magical and inspiring to be in the realm of a woman pursuing her dream.
Like Mary Poppins and Willy Wonka, Ms. Flietner and her chocolate shop are classic and endearing. And lucky for anyone who steps through the Xocoatl-Feine Schokoladen doorway, she and her chocolate entourage are real and waiting to enchant…
– Remember Charlie, don’t forget the tale of the man who got everything he wanted.
– What happened?
– He lived happily ever after.
(Willy Wonka, 1971)
Xocoatl – Feine Schokoladen
Katrin Flietner
Grabenstraße 24. 65183 Wiesbaden
Fon +49 611 3417364
Fax +49 611 3417848